Project Title: Immersive Technology in Education: A Collaborative Learning Initiative

Overview of the Project
This innovative online short course on Immersive Technology in Education is by co-funded by the School of Education UCD, the Learning Enhancement Project and the Ubuntu Network. It stems from the research of Rachel Farrell, UCD School of Education, in the area of democratic pedagogical partnerships in teacher education and is designed and facilitated by Mark Baldwin of SchooVR.
The aim of the course is to foster an appreciation of the emerging role of immersive technology in education and to provide student teachers, subject methodology lecturers and co-operating teachers with a dynamic, innovative forum in which to explore the potential for immersive technology to optimise teaching and learning. Under the guidance of expert Mark Baldwin, participants will explore how immersive technology can be effectively used to interrogate Development Education and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. We hope you enjoy the course and we look forward to meeting you at our first shared learning day.
Learning Tutorials & Resources
A wide variety of interactive resources were created during this project. A bespoke online module informed participants about the role of immersive technologies in education. The online module includes several informative tutorials about VR/AR/MR immersive learning tools.
Click on the image below to access the tutorials.
The project resulted in teachers from different subject areas collaborating on designing and developing a library of immersive learning experiences across a range of subject areas in the post- primary curriculum. Some of the experiences created by teachers included immersive 360-degree images, curriculum-aligned content, guided audio and higher order thinking questions and classwork activities. The experiences are located on an online platform and can be accessed via iPads, Chromebooks, Tablets and virtual reality goggles for an even more immersive experience.
Click on the images below to access the virtual experiences.